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About Comets, the Universe, and Everything

Have you ever wondered how many stars there are in the universe? If the universe can influence our lives and how, or whether someone is watching us from it? Petr Michalík, a programmer by trade and astronomer by heart and soul, certainly has. We interrupted his work for a while on the latest technological innovations in Česká spořitelna and BankID, which he even founded, and which is based at DOCK IN TWO, and discussed with him what it was like to look at the sky and see miracles.


ESG known and unknown

In order for generations of our descendants to enjoy this blue planet, we should treat it responsibly. Avoiding use of plastic bags, sorting waste and conserving water – we can already do all that. But what about the big buildings around us, the places where we live and work? What are they made of and how does their construction and maintenance affect life on Earth? And how do companies that own or operate them feel about all this? I discussed these points and more with Iveta Králová, Architectural Project Manager/Chairman of CZGBC at SAINT-GOBAIN CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTS CZ a.s., a leader in modern and sustainable construction headquarted in DOCK IN TWO.

Lofoten Islands: Life beyond the Arctic Circle

Picturesque fishing villages, crystal clear water, majestic mountains, auroras, midnight sun, fresh air and the most beautiful landscape you can imagine. This is how we would describe the winter paradise in the Lofoten archipelago, which we can call home.

On a visit to the Pod Palmovkou Theatre: Interview with Jakub Albrecht

The Pod Palmovkou Theatre [Theatre below Palmolvka] is literally around the corner from Dock, so it’s no wonder that we consider it to be – a bit lovingly – “ours”. We share with you regular information about its news or competitions for tickets, and constantly try to expand our cooperation. Those of you who have already visited it know that performances, whether they are unconventionally elaborated classics or generational modernity, are always worth experiencing. And those who have not yet had the honor may be persuaded by an invitation from one of the most competent actors of this renowned theater, Jakub Albrecht.

Welcome to Scott.Weber Workspace: Interview with Adam Zvada

Imagine that after a work meeting, you go to a few doors down to rest in a soundproofed room, lunch will be prepared for you on the same floor by a private chef using, among other things, fresh picked herbs, taking your afternoon brainstorming thoughts with you, you go through the second door on the left for a massage, and if you feel like recording a new episode of your own podcast after work, you have an audio studio down the hall available to you. Does it seem like a dream? Exactly, and even better looking are the workspaces currently in Scott.Weber Workspace, which will soon open the door to interested parties also here with us at DOCK. We talked to company founder Adam Zvada about the importance of the environment and services that make up our normal working days.

For a better life: On a visit to Henkel

The brands belonging to the Henkel ĆR company portfolio need no introduction: we encounter them in such regularly used products as Clin, Fa, Persil or Schwartzkopf. From hair care to detergents – the Henkel brand motto is to change and improve quality of life, every day. It takes the same approach when caring for its employees in the modern offices at DOCK IN FOUR, where we went to visit and interview Roman Kýr (President of Henkel ĆR and General Manager of Henkel Consumer Brands CZ/SK), and Petr Freiberg (Country Manager of Henkel Consumer Brands Professional CZ/SK). In addition to its administrative background, Henkel operates in DOCK and ASK ACADEMY PRAGUE, which provides training for hairdressers.

When work is fun

The legendary LEGO® community has been a part of the free time of millions of kids worldwide since the 1930s. The Czech Republic has been involved since 2000 in the production of the popular building set for both small and large – a factory opened in Kladno, processing part of the world’s LEGO® production and packing a large group of products into boxes as seen on store shelves. I would most likely surprise you that not all is run from the northern reaches (HQ in Denmark), but also from Liberec, CR. We talked to Jan Ružička, Head of Commercial Analytics & Insights REEMEA at the LEGO® Group, about what it is like to work for the LEGO® company, what makes them proud about their modern office at DOCK IN THREE, and how big a role it plays in the company’s success.

From Lighthouse to the Docks: On a visit to LMC

There’s no office like an office. You would certainly agree on a visit with us to LMC headquarters – or rather to an oasis of Zen… Is it even possible to call the activities in such premises work? They know something about this at LMC: Twenty-seven years ago, they founded the portal, which today is one of the most important sources of information about job vacancies on the Czech Internet. How was the interior created, which has taken employee needs into account since its outset? This was revealed to us by Markéta Kalinová, Head of People Experience & Office at LMC.

Are Czechs altruists?

Let us introduce you to a brand-new column that will provide room for your opinions, insights and tips. Let’s start straight off by not “pulling punches” – we ask whether we Czechs are selfish (or not) and opportunistic (or not)…

The Fragile World of Crystal

It may seem that in the modern world, business is dominated by technologies, leaving no time left for emotions. But there are brands out there that directly build on feelings, impressions and atmosphere. The Czech company Preciosa, firmly and permanently established in so-called Crystal Valley in northern Bohemia, is a shining example of this :). And who could resist such a play on words – after all, what else is the purpose of crystal than to break up light into bright, positive rays? We chatted with Lucie Karlova, CEO of Preciosa Lighting, at their administrative headquarters in DOCK IN ONE, about the most demanding light installations, how home is still home, and how Preciosa’s pro­duction and design center in Kamenický Šenov looks today.

DOCK for a greener planet

Earth Day has been celebrated all over the world on April 22 since 1970, with the aim of drawing the attention to the need to protect our environment. Our planet does not have unlimited resources, and we humans need to remind ourselves of this from time to time, so that we do not forget to treat it responsibly and with such an attitude that our children and their children's children can live on it long after us… Even for us in DOCK is the future of the Earth not indifferent. What do we do to keep it green and healthy for a long time?


In our new series, we will introduce you to the key members of the DOCK team, which ensures that you enjoy living and working with us. We believe that this „meet & greet“ will bring you closer to what is happening at DOCK, and maybe you will get to know someone who you have only met in the corridor or in the park a little better. The invitation to the first mini-interview was accepted by Community Manager Jana Gerhátová, who has held this position since last autumn. Her job is primarily to ensure that tenants and residents feel good in DOCK, both through the environment, as well as additional services and events.